At Royal Group, we are firmly committed to adding value to the strategic development of our community, our employees, our partners and eventually our companies. Our diversified business activities, such as media, trade, financing, real estate, manufacturing, construction, information technology, education, entertainment, healthcare, hospitality, retail and robotics are focused on creating opportunities for sustainable growth and strategic expansion. We plan our diversification based on our business expertise, and by establishing solid partnerships with local and international companies of high repute and standing.
We pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge of the region, the capacity to adapt to ever-changing market conditions and the insight we have into evolving business opportunities.
Reem Island, a US$60 billion project, is one of Royal Group’s proudest ventures in real estate development and is considered as the most prolific expansion to Abu Dhabi capital city. Construction, forest management, district cooling, just to name a few, are also new business lines we explored and implemented.
Our constant growth has led us envisage ambitious and sustainable goals for the future, which we believe we can only achieve through our persistence, continuous improvement, and the dedication and determination of our team.
Welcome to Royal Group, Your global partner.
Royal Group Chairman